Okay so as the title says we are gonna start this blog out with "a little controversy". Abortion. I am Pro-Choice. I would like to point out to all readers how that is worded. Unlike "anti-abortion", Pro-Choice is just that, pro-CHOICE. NOBODY is Pro-Abortion, but many are Pro-CHOICE. Many are for the fact that abortion is a choice for a woman to make. It is a choice for THAT woman, it is not up to the world to decide what someone should do with their body. Now let's get something straight. I do not support everybody being able to get abortion. If you are the town whore and you have had 10 abortions because you can't afford (or just don't want to use) anti-contriception or condoms, then you should NOT be allowed to get an abortion. You got pregnant because of your own neglagence and you should have to have that baby and either raise it or give it to a good home.
However, if you were raped you should have that option. Many people give birth to their rapists killer, but many women don't have that kind of strength! Some women just can't do this, not to mention that it isn't always a woman. The youngest mother on record was 5 years old (reportedly raped by her father but never confirmed), this was due to her having a rare disease that caused her to hit puberty early. I can not think.... of a single mother that could wake up in the morning, find that their 10 year old was pregnant cause uncle Rick has been raping her, and FORCE her to give birth. I can not think... of a single mother who would basically assist her daughters rapist in stealing that last little bit of her childhood and innocence. Just for a second, all you women who have had children, imagine all the pain of being pregnant! Imagine the cramps, the bloating, the lack of sleep, the pains, the contractions, and the birth and put that into the body of child. No mother would make their daughter go through with that. But again, even a grown woman who has been raped should have that option.
What if you are single woman, you got knocked up by a guy you thought loved you and he runs off leaving you alone. What if you go to the doctor and find out that, indefinately, you will die if you give birth. Leaving your child with no one in the world and having to deal with the foster care system. You should have to the option to say "I want an abortion". I'm not saying you SHOULD I saying you should have the OPTION.
Let's put you in the man's shoes! Say that you are the man in this situation and you wife, the love of your life, is dying because of the baby. What if the doctor comes out and says "We can only save one of them, who do you want us to save?". Who would you pick? The infant you don't know, or the love of your life? Most men would say, "Save my wife!".
"Well that's not abortion!". Actually yes, yes it is. You just caused the death of an unborn baby. It wasn't within the legal time space to have a baby aborted, it was close to being born, but it wasn't. It is an abortion! People can say all they want that if they were told they would die if they had a baby that they would go with it because doctors arn't always right. However if the time comes that it is your life or the baby's, most would save themselves, and if they wouldn't their husbands would. Especially if they already have kids! How many women would let themselves die and leave the children they already have without a mother for the unborn baby?
Whether people want to admit it or not, abortion should be an OPTION. It should not be a free ride you can jump to escape parenthood... but it should be an OPTION!
What do people think will happen if abortion slowly gets abolished? Do they think it will end abortion? These people are foolish!!! Abortion will never go away. Instead what will happen is hundreds of women and young girls will return to THOSE days. The days when women would take dangerous pills, visit crooked doctors, shove WIRE HANGERS in their vaginas, have people punch them in the stomach! To get rid of a baby... That is what will happen. Abolishing LEGAL AND SAFE abortion will not make abortion go away. It will only make it more dangerous. It will just make women and young girls turn to those dangerous forms of illegal abortion that caused so many women to die, to become infertile! Do people really think it's fair to cause a woman to do an illegal abortion to rid herself of a rapists child, and cause herself to never have a child when she wants to in the process?
Never...never should someone elses PERSONAL OPINION cause life to be harder for another person. Never should someone elses PERSONAL OPINION effect the tide of anothers life, and don't you dare say that that is not what it is. Do NOT turn to the bible and say "God says no", relying on what might be the word of God to decide the life of another person is not a reason to do so. It is a personal opinion, nothing more and nothing less. If you don't want an abortion then don't have one, period.
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